Current Projects

Lewis Pipe Organ Services has been chosen by the historic South Highland Presbyterian in downtown Birmingham, AL

for these several projects!


Trumpet En Chamade

A new Polished Zinc horizontal trumpet will be added in early spring. This reed is being built by the prestigious pipe builders A.R. Schopp’s Sons of Alliance, Ohio. This new reed will sit split on either side of the chancel and point straight down the nave.

Control System

When the current relay and combination system started failing earlier this year it left part of the organ unplayable. South Highland Presbyterian decided to go with the feature full Syndyne 8400 control system. This all-in-one system will control the pipes as well as offer 5,000 levels of memory all available to the organist via a touchscreen on the console.

Other Projects

  • New Keyboards from P&S Organ supply.

  • New Pedal Board and Swell shoes.

  • New Peterson 16 stage Swell shade operators.

  • New Peterson Pedal Voices: 16’ Violone, 32’ Bourdon & Principal.

  • New Chime Action for the existing chimes.